Relaxing may sound like a crazy way to grow your business, or you could be thinking that it sounds right up your alley. The truth is, relaxing more often will do more to grow your business that forced effort ever will. It’s the same as getting a result by pushing rather than pulling. If you […]
Archive | Ageless Lifestyle
How to Live Your Dream Life Now
My family never vacationed. When I was 20 I started traveling and never looked back. I moved from Wisconsin to Florida as a Realtor at 24. Since then I’ve lived in resort areas in the U.S. from Hilton Head Island to Palm Springs. I’ve lived in Scottsdale, Sonoma, and San Diego. And I’ve traveled the […]
FREE Masterclass Creating a Vision for Your Life
It’s been a labor of love creating this Masterclass Creating a Vision for Your Life for you. It’s a topic that’s so important to your success in life and certainly in creating an ageless life and business. So important that I created this master class to give you the tools and strategies, the shortcut you […]
The Curse of Valuing the Valueless and How to End It
I thought I’d change things up a little this morning and write to you before I go for my morning walk. Now that it’s getting light earlier, I get my meditation and reading done sooner, so I’ve added a morning walk to my routine. This morning my meditation was focused on not valuing the valueless. […]
Time to Burn It Down or Time to Create a New Vision?
How do you know when it’s time to burn it down or time to create a new vision? It’s not an easy decision or one to be taken lightly because its impact ripples out from you. And yet the decision is yours alone. Lately, I’ve noticed a rash of entrepreneurs who have built multi-million dollar businesses […]
How You Can Benefit From the Way I Discovered My Passion and Purpose
This morning I was relaxing with a cup of tea on my rooftop patio watching the early morning golden sunlight reflect on the cruise ship pulling into the bay here in Cabo San Lucas. You’ll see in light shining on the yacht and cruise ship in the photo I took with my phone for you. […]
Expat or Not, Make a Plan Before You Make a Major Life Change
If you are considering a big move in life, please make a plan before you make a major life change. Expat related or not, there’s no reason not to plan out any major transition in your life. Watch this video to hear a story of people doing something that I think is just crazy when […]
What Tasks Do You Outsource and Which Do You Love To Do Yourself?
What tasks do you outsource in your life? We’re not talking about business tasks, we’re talking about all the other tasks in your day to day life. My first outsourcing was cleaning my house. I decided in my 20’s that cleaning was not my thing and best left to someone else. What was the first […]
The Most Impactful Moment in My Business And How It Affects You
Recently I did a 30-day live video challenge. One of the prompts was to talk about the most impactful moment in my business. It didn’t take me more than a moment to realize what the most impactful moment in my business was. It was a sad moment and yet it confirmed the impact my work […]
A Simple Business Productivity Tip to Use Every Day!
In this quick tips video, I share a simple business productivity tip you can use every day, how to keep all the links and snippets of copy you use daily at hand so you never have to reach for anything. I’m surprised how many people don’t have a process for this, so I’m sharing […]