Last year I was invited to write for an international expat publication. I went through some of their articles from different parts of the world. Doing that brought up one of the questions personal inventory questions I go through when I work with private clients. How did you choose where you live? The real answer […]
Archive | Personal Growth
Does Something Feel a Little Off?
This morning when I went upstairs to do my meditation, I grabbed my books and noticed the notebook underneath. It’s the notebook I write in when doing the 40 daily lessons of “Change One Thing, Change Your Life.” I had been doing the 40-day cycle of lessons nonstop since January until mid-August. Then I took […]
Are You Creating a Vision for Your Life That’s Hurting You?
It’s sad how many people I know who are depressed or beyond stressed dealing with family issues from aging parents/spouses to kids/grandkids, and even bad work situations. Remember that the only person who is in control of your life is you. There are always things going on that require immediate attention. Sometimes those things are […]
Manifesto Definition and Why You Must Create Your Own Personal Manifesto
Manifesto Definition What exactly is a manifesto? You may think of a manifesto written by someone who is making a defiant statement. Your personal manifesto is made up of statements that define who you are and who you want to become. I call them your value statements. They clarify what is most important to you […]
How to Make Your Life an Adventure (5 Tips)
When you’re open to adventure, you’ve opened the door for opportunities from unexpected places. It also means you’re excited and ready for anything. Ask yourself, “Would my life be better with a little more excitement and adrenaline flowing through my body because I’m anticipating great things happening at any moment?” Be open to everything and attached […]
The Gift of Reality-Based High Self-Esteem
It really is a gift to have reality-based high self-esteem. It gives you a realistic view of your abilities. It’s fine to have big dreams, and a component of living an ageless lifestyle is to play full out in every area of your life. And, at the same time, you have to have some kind […]
How this 1 Simple Cool Shift Can Change Your Life Forever
Before I break down how 1 simple cool shift can change your life, let me tell you a story to illustrate the point. Yesterday I went to the beach with a girlfriend and on the way, she told me the story of how she had locked herself out of the condo she was staying in […]
Are You Cutting Yourself Off From Lifes Abundance?
Cutting Yourself Off From Lifes Abundance Who would do this? How does it happen? Well, there are some sneaky ways we do this to ourselves without ever being consciously aware of it Every day I hear people from all walks of life saying things that literally cut themselves off from lifes abundance and success. If […]
The Source Of Being Frustrated and How to End It
It’s your choice to read the article or watch the video. There is more conversation with examples in the video. [toc] Everything has an ebb and flow in life. Just like the waves on the ocean. It’s calming to watch the waves because there’s a rhythm to it. The waves don’t come in the same […]
How Your Self-Image Restricts Your Success & How to Take the Brakes Off
It’s important to look at how your self-image restricts your success and how to take the brakes off. Otherwise you’re exerting way more energy than you really need to and going nowhere. Wouldn’t you rather look at where your self-image is blocking you? Your self-image sets the limits on what you can accomplish when it […]