My family never vacationed. When I was 20 I started traveling and never looked back. I moved from Wisconsin to Florida as a Realtor at 24. Since then I’ve lived in resort areas in the U.S. from Hilton Head Island to Palm Springs. I’ve lived in Scottsdale, Sonoma, and San Diego. And I’ve traveled the world while calling Cabo San Lucas, Mexico my home.
The thing is, I’ve done this as a single woman, married and divorced. I’ve made tons of money, I’ve struggled and I’ve been broke.
There is no magic formula. So if that’s what you came here looking for, this will be a very short read.
But if you want some answers as to how I’m living the life of my dreams and how I’ve helped my clients do the same through all these varied life situations, I’ve got some tried and true tips and strategies for you.
Why Do You Want a New Way of Life?
Are you feeling stuck or restless in your current life?
Is it that you don’t know what you want?
Does your life ahead look like a dead end?
Maybe you’re at a crossroads and you feel like it’s time to do something new and different.
Whatever the reason is that has you searching for how to live your dream life, I want you to know that you can do it. You don’t need to be rich to live your dream.
The one ingredient you do need is to believe in yourself.
You have to believe that if you take the time to do the work of figuring out what you want the life of your dreams to look like, you can make your dream come true.
Why you want to live your dream life is unique to you. No two people want the same dream life. And no two people want to create a different life for the exact same reason.
Let’s say 10 of us who are from the same city and are the same age decide our dream life is here in Cabo San Lucas.
Every single one of us will have a different reason why we believe the life of our dreams is drawing us here.
And If I asked you what your daily life will look like here, not one of you would give me the same answer.
Why you want to change your life now and what the out-picturing of that desire looks like for you is very personal. It’s your dream life.
What Does It Mean to Live Your Dream Life?
I learned to consciously design my life because I wanted to live a life different than the path I saw in front of me if I would have stayed in small-town Wisconsin.
For me, becoming a Realtor grew out of my desire to have a career with flexibility. I needed the potential of a high income and the ability to take extended time off. Real estate fit the bill for me.
I moved to a new area about every 3-4 years and for decades have taken 8-12 weeks a year vacation. I created a vision for my life in my 20’s and have tweaked it as need be, as my priorities and passions have changed.
In my case, if someone asked me to answer the question, “What is the living your dream meaning?”, my answer would be different than yours.
For me, it’s about doing what I love, being paid well while living on the ocean in a place that is always warm and sunny, but not too hot and humid. I don’t want to live somewhere that I don’t have to worry about my safety. Being surrounded by natural beauty is important as is peace and quiet. Pretty much everything else is negotiable.
Now, that may be very different for you.
How to Live Your Dream
While you’re on the road to creating your dream life, I’ll share the steps I took and use with my clients:
#1. Have a burning desire to live a different life and know why you want it
What is going on in your life you’re dissatisfied with?
What is driving you to want to change your life right now?
Is there something that is missing, something you’re searching for?
When you have a significant level of constructive dissatisfaction, it will prompt you to make a change.
If your desire is strong enough, you will find a way to make your dream life happen.
That desire gives you your big ‘why’ that keeps you pushing forward against any obstacles that may show up to derail your plan.
It’s a good idea to journal about your dissatisfaction, what you desire to create instead, and why that’s important to you.
Here’s 1 simple trick to create the life of your dreams.
#2 Discover your passion
I have never met anyone who had a dream of working 40-60 hours a week making someone else wealthy.
Discovering your passion will most likely lead you to become an entrepreneur, but it could also lead to a charitable foundation.
You have a life purpose and a passion for something that again is uniquely yours. Nobody else has the exact combination of passion and purpose that you have.
If there was a busload of belly dance teachers and you all had just moved to Bali, you all still have a different, unique vision for your dream life.
No two people express their passion for belly dancing the exact same way. You would each teach it a little differently based on the filter of your life experiences, the meaning you have given those experiences, and the lessons you’ve learned from them.
So take some time to think about what you value, what excites you, what you love spending your time doing. Then write it all out so you can see it in front of you.
#3 Make a plan
Now that you know why you want to make a change, what you want that change to be, and what passion you will be fulfilling in your dream life, it’s time to create your plan.
Making a plan might look like setting goals and breaking it down into actionable steps.
It could also be something where you want to go deeper and create a vision for your life that encompasses peeling away the layers to find your true authentic self and ditching all those masks you where.
The important thing is to create a strong written plan. Then take the first step. Take that first step today.
If you have correctly structured your plan, there will be several small steps you can take right now that will get you on the path to living the life of your dreams.
To get started, those little steps need to give your forward momentum, without being so big they scare you into inaction.
If you freeze up rather than move forward, take that step a notch down and try that. Better to make 1 step into 2 or 4 steps that to let it stop you from living the dream.
Manifest anything with these 7 secrets to goal setting
What Is Your Dream in Life?
When I ask the question, “What is your dream in life?”, I hope your answer doesn’t start with a dollar sign. Money doesn’t buy happiness. That is a fact.
More people are frustrated and disappointed by money than anything else.
You start making the big bucks, you buy a big house, a more expensive car, get all the toys and join all the right clubs to tell the world you’ve made it.
So what? Now what?
Money will never make you a better person. Money will never make you happy. It can provide you with fun, but there also needs to be substance to your life. If there is no meaning in your life, you will be a very unhappy person and you definitely won’t be living your dream life.
You don’t want to create another job for yourself.
You don’t want to create a money trap where you are on a treadmill to keep making more and more to give yourself that high. Yes, money can turn into a drug when you have no real plan.
Accumulating stuff is not a dream life. It’s a nightmare.
What is your dream in life?
I’m really asking now because as you may have guessed, nobody can answer that question but you.
And it’s not something you can answer off the top of your head unless you’ve done all the work to create a solid plan.
So before you answer that question, go back to the 3 steps and work through them.
Here’s a bonus tip:
When you find a ‘why’ that’s bigger than yourself, that burning desire turns into a raging fire. Your passion drives you, and all the pieces start falling into place. The people and processes you need, things you had no idea how to do or where to find, show up.
How Do I Start Living My Own Life?
The first step to living your own life is to make a decision that you’re going to do it.
When you draw a line in the sand that lets everyone in your life know that you’re taking over and you’re going to be in charge now, things shift.
Stop asking other people what they think you should do. They haven’t even figured out their life, so they sure shouldn’t be in charge of yours.
Very few people take the time to consciously design their lives by creating a vision for their life and a plan to make it a reality.
If you take the time and do the work you can create your dream life and begin to live it incrementally right now. I’ve seen it happen over and over.
You can be one of the lucky ones…those few that are living the life of their dreams. Just follow the steps outlined above. If you need help, I’m here for you. Ask me anything.
Here are 20 quotes to jumpstart you living your dream!
Need Help?
If you don’t have a clear vision and blueprint for your life (including your health) and business, click here to check out the New 6-week Master Course, “How to Create a Vision for Your Life”.
Until next time, I’d love to hear your thoughts. Just comment on this post here or on Facebook.
If you would like private mentoring, go to the contact page above and tell me what you would like help with. As your mentor, I hold a bigger vision for you than you hold for yourself. When you have faith and a team that believes in you, it gives you courage. When you don’t have to do it all yourself, all things are possible for you. Commit today to go for your dream 100%.
With over 40 years in sales and marketing, along with 45 years studying human behavior, Lynn Pierce, “The Voice of an Ageless Life and Business,” mentors soul-based entrepreneurs to reach your own personal version of success and an ageless lifestyle. Tell Lynn what the life of your dreams looks like, and she’ll create the blueprints to get you there, along with the sales system to fund it. Author of, “Breakthrough to Success; 19 Keys to Mastering Every Area of Your Life”, Lynn Pierce’s personal growth and business acceleration systems help her clients get three times the results in half the time with one-tenth of the effort. Claim your free special report, “What Do You Stand For” here
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