Embracing Stillness In Your Life
When you’re creating a happy, healthy, ageless lifestyle there are still issues of work/life balance that occupy your ageless mind. Embracing stillness in your life is important because silence and stillness are a way of giving yourself a chance to hear what your higher self is trying to tell you. On Sunday I watched Super […]

20 Minute Vegan Potato Leek Soup
This is my first Wednesday without an organic vegetable delivery since January. After being in the habit of doing my Wednesday posts on the recipes I made from what was in the box, it’s a coincidence that last night I made a new soup recipe I want to share with you. I did what I […]

Breast Cancer: The Whole Story Prevention During and After
May is my breast cancer month. I was only 43. One thing I can tell you is that it’s hard to have an ageless lifestyle if you haven’t dealt with the biggest contributing factors to protect yourself from cancer, to whatever degree you can. What we know now is that it is possible to deeply […]

The Power of Your Morning Routine and How it Grounds You for the Day
The rituals we do each day ground us in the day. Ritual and a morning routine give us stability. Whether it’s a spiritual routine or an exercise routine or even the process you go through making coffee and your breakfast in the morning. our morning rituals give us a comforting feeling. Those rituals are the part […]

The Best Vegan Soup Ever
This week’s organic vegetable delivery box had arugula, tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, cilantro, peppers, carrots and baby beets. The only exciting thing about this week’s box was it gave me the opportunity to make my favorite soup and share it with you! So I have just one recipe for you this week. I really want you […]

5 Habits and 4 Foods Can Add 10+ Years to Your Life
[toc] This week is national women’s health week, and yes there are some differences between men and women’s health. At the same time, most of the rules for living a longer healthier life are the same. That’s because the majority of factors between health and illness, or even reversing illness come from lifestyle changes. Now […]

Benefits Of Yoga For Breast Cancer Chemotherapy Survivors
As more and more women are diagnosed with cancer each year it is also true that more and more are surviving breast cancer chemotherapy. It’s a fact of life for everyone, even those of us creating an ageless lifestyle after 50. The benefits of yoga for breast cancer chemotherapy survivors will show up in your […]

How Living Your Passion Catapults Your Dreams Into Reality
Living your passion is a requirement for you if you’re serious about having an ageless lifestyle because your passion catapults your dreams into reality. You can’t be ageless if your life is filled with stress and worry from living a life that isn’t your passion and purpose. When you aren’t living your passion, the stress […]

Keys to Becoming Cancer Free: My Journey and Yours
Cancer journeys in my family have all been fast. We’ve had things go quickly in both directions. I believe there are keys to becoming cancer free. It’s been 16 years for me and you can find all the info about my journey here. I’ve shared how I found out, what I decided to do about […]

Why I Do Not Support Mainstream Cancer Charities
I have written about not being a fan of the pink ribbon campaign, and all the companies that profit from it, before. This is the first time I’ve posted to shed light of why I do not support mainstream cancer charities. After this, you may not want to support them either. Chris Wark at ChrisBeatCancer.com explains why […]