Cancer journeys in my family have all been fast. We’ve had things go quickly in both directions. I believe there are keys to becoming cancer free. It’s been 16 years for me and you can find all the info about my journey here. I’ve shared how I found out, what I decided to do about […]
Archive | Ageless Spirit
Is Mindfulness the New Meditation?
Is mindfulness the new meditation? According to Andy Puddicombe it only takes 10 minutes. There is so much talk about mindfulness lately, it seems to be catching on in the mainstream in a way that meditation doesn’t. I’m wondering if it’s the lack of connection to spirituality that makes it more acceptable. Or, is it […]
Does Something Feel a Little Off?
This morning when I went upstairs to do my meditation, I grabbed my books and noticed the notebook underneath. It’s the notebook I write in when doing the 40 daily lessons of “Change One Thing, Change Your Life.” I had been doing the 40-day cycle of lessons nonstop since January until mid-August. Then I took […]
4 Spiritual Laws of Wealth and Success
What do spiritual laws have to do with wealth and success? Plenty! To become wealthy in a financial sense you have to make large amounts of money, whatever that amount is for you. You need to know what you’re really good at and create a way to get paid for doing it. For example, taking […]
5 Keys to Having More Joy in Your Life Right Now
What is the first thing you think of when you think about having more joy in your life? For me it’s being in nature, spending time with my dogs, watching a movie with a happy ending or finishing something that gives me a sense of accomplishment. Sometimes it comes from peace and quiet. [Tweet “Joy […]
How this 1 Simple Cool Shift Can Change Your Life Forever
Before I break down how 1 simple cool shift can change your life, let me tell you a story to illustrate the point. Yesterday I went to the beach with a girlfriend and on the way, she told me the story of how she had locked herself out of the condo she was staying in […]
How to Have an Ageless Creative Spirit: 10 Simple Ideas
There are 10 simple ideas on having an ageless creative spirit I learned in a TED talk I’m sharing with you. It’s by a woman from China who tells her simple story of living a creative life. She talks about how following spirit against the wishes of her family led her to live creatively and […]
The Curse of Valuing the Valueless and How to End It
I thought I’d change things up a little this morning and write to you before I go for my morning walk. Now that it’s getting light earlier, I get my meditation and reading done sooner, so I’ve added a morning walk to my routine. This morning my meditation was focused on not valuing the valueless. […]
How to Live an Optimistic, Ageless Life
Self-Esteem Affirmations to Increase Your Self-Confidence
Here are 14 self-esteem affirmations you can use daily to help increase your self-confidence. Without a high level of self-esteem, you won’t have the self-confidence to live an ageless lifestyle after 50. It’s important to build your awareness of how you feel about yourself, and these affirmations will help you. Your ageless spirit is the foundation of […]