Tag Archives | changing eating habits

6 Tips for Clean Eating

6 Tips for Clean Eating

If you are considering improving your eating habits and adopting a healthier lifestyle to create an ageless body, incorporating these tips for eating clean will be a big step in the right direction. I understand that not everyone is ready to ditch meat so I’ve included clean eating tips for meat eaters from Clean Eating […]

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How Alkaline Foods Can Save Your Life

How Alkaline Foods Can Save Your Life

Would you like to know how alkaline foods can save your life and possibly prevent terminal and chronic diseases? Acidic foods are slowly, or not so slowly deteriorating your health right now. In fact the could be setting the perfect environment for chronic inflammation or cancer cells to grow. The more you are concerned with […]

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Vegan stars over 50

5 Stars Over 50 and Their Vegan Lifestyle

You’ve probably noticed there’s been a lot of talk about celebs going vegan lately, from Jennifer Lopez dropping 10 pounds, to Beyonce and JayZ. Here are 5 stars over 50 and their vegan lifestyle. These celebs are definitely living an ageless lifestyle. These 5 came from a list of 10 male and 10 female vegan […]

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