What's the Value of Personal Connections In Business?

What’s the Value of Personal Connections In Business?

What are personal connections in business worth to you?

This morning after my meditation I was thinking about my connection to you. And then I started to think about some of the women who participated in Your Ageless Life and Business Telesummit.

I don’t know if you’ve ever stopped doing something for a long time and then restarted, but there’s a lot of moving pieces of my business.

My products are being pulled out, dusted off, and given a little facelift.

I’ve spent time this week updating websites and looking at what I have. I’ve also just uploaded part of my old database so I can start communicating with them too.

All those activities are very meaningful to me. There is a reverence for the gift I’ve been given to create programs that change people’s lives and businesses. It’s a responsibility I take very seriously.

I approach my relationship with you with respect. The same for those who know me from my old business at LynnPierce.com (which is being revitalized), and the women who supported me by coming forward and sharing the stories of speed bumps, transformation and success in the telesummit, all with respect.

I am connected to all of you. And those connections are worth a lot to me.

So what are your personal connections in business worth?

You may be an analytical person who looks at numbers first and does spreadsheets on profits and marketing costs.

I’d prefer to look at the personal side of business first.

The people you connect with who enrich your life and the people who you impact in a positive way with your products and services. Those are valuable connections.

I’m happy to be connected with many people from the beginning of my career 16 years ago. Those are long-term business relationships in the info-marketing industry. You may have heard some of the speakers mention our long relationship on the telesummit.

I also have people in my database today that have been with me since my first product, Change One Thing Change Your Life came out in 2001. And many since my Change One Thing ezine started in 2003.

Why personal connections in business are important

There’s something to be said for connections. You treat people right and you will have valuable connections that last. Who can calculate a dollar value for that?

It’s a blessing to have you want to hear from me, use my programs, take my classes and share your life with me. My goal is always to add value every day to your life.

The value of personal connections in business is worth everything if we are doing it right.

If you want to connect with myself and other ageless lifestylers, then you are exclusively invited to do so in my Facebook Group Your Ageless Life and Business

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What's the Value of Personal Connections In Business?

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