Travel and experiencing new adventures is a big part of having an ageless lifestyle after 50. Ageless people have a lust for life and are curious about the world we live in.
Whale watching adventures in Baja Mexico are special. Whale watching is something millions of people around the world have access to, but not like this! Whale watching in various locations on the Baja Peninsula of Mexico offers some very unique situations where you can get up close and personal with the whales and their newborn babies.
You can have the experience of actually petting and interacting with the curious whales as they come right up to your small boat to check you out. No whales are endangered. This is well controlled and the boat captains have spent their entire lives with the whales in this small area and have a deep love a respect for the whales. The whales are the ones the choose to come to the boat or not.
When I posted the first video that was less than a minute directly to my Facebook page it was viewed by more than 7000 people just on that one page. Once I saw how much people loved it, I decided to make a playlist for you on Youtube of the short videos I took with my phone and pick some pictures to give you the overall feeling of the experience to put on a portfolio page here.
Those include pictures of the dock area where you go out on the boats, the “pangas” which are large row boat type boats, where to eat right there on the water and the small hotel that is available to stay in and the wall with the hotel contact info.
The whale watching is done through a government cooperative so the boats take turns and there is one price, no negotiating.
As you will see, the rooms are basic, but have everything you need including wifi.
Many people that live here in Baja are unfamiliar with whale watching in Puerto Alfonso Lopez Mateo BCS Mexico. On the photo of the map you’ll see that it’s at the north end of Magdelena Bay where many people go whale watching each year.
This is a trip of a lifetime for most people who venture here from other countries. On the boat I was on there was a scuba instructor from the Amalfi coast in Italy, a man from Columbia and a school teacher from Los Angeles.
If this is something you’d like to do, I’m happy to answer any questions you’d like to post here.
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