Your passion gives you the courage to be able to face your fears. Your passion catapults you to turn your dreams into reality right now, rather than some day. Working with people over 50, I know there is a deep yearning to find your true purpose before you feel like it’s too late. When it comes to living the life of your dreams, right now is always better than sometime in the future. At the same time, I want you to know it’s never too late.
Creating an ageless lifestyle after 50 does require some bravery on your part. You have to be willing to take chances and embrace change. That’s where the excitement and adventure come from.
Life’s Big Question
The big question is how many years are you willing to miss out on living your passion and the life of your dreams while you’re too scared or too confused to take action on it? It can be difficult for most people to put all the pieces together on their own so if you’re spending your time reading book after book, waiting for the magic to happen, it probably won’t.
I’ve witnessed the pain over and over again of brilliant, gifted people so torn between making a good living, doing what looks good and is acceptable to their family…or doing what makes them truly happy. The mistake they’re making is in thinking it has to be one or the other. It doesn’t. It’s possible for you to start living your passion and life purpose to a great degree as soon as you figure out what it is.
The thing is, in most cases, you’re not so far off right now. Sometimes it’s a matter of tweaking rather than major reconstruction.
The first thing is to get clear on what your life’s passion is.
Then decide what you want the life of your dreams to look like.
After that it’s simply getting the help you need to put all the pieces needed to take you from here to there into an actionable plan with someone holding you accountable. If you think you can do this by yourself, you can find someone in your life to be your accountability partner.
These questions will stimulate your subconscious to help you create a clear vision.
- What really excites you in your life?
- What topic do you love reading about, watch, and talk about?
- What gives you so much pleasure you lose track of time when doing it?
- What do friends come to you for help with?
- What topic really gets you fired up that you want to fix?
- What do you love doing so much you’d be willing to do it for free?
Super successful people have a vision of exactly what they want their life to look like; now, next year, 5 years, 10, 20, 50 and even 100 years from now.
What kind of legacy do you plan to leave behind?
When the world remembers you, what do you want to be remembered for?
Once you find your true passion, you can grow beyond your current self-concept by creating a vision of yourself as you choose to be. See yourself as already having everything you really want in your life. See yourself pushing right through your fears to the other side.
Spend time dreaming and visualizing
If you’re like most people I know, you’ve used visualizing all your life and just didn’t call it that. You may have called it daydreaming and thought it was something you shouldn’t be spending your time doing.
The first vivid memory I have of visualizing was as a teenager. I found myself thinking about a boy I liked before I went to sleep at night and then dreaming about him.
After this happened a few times, I experimented to see if I could influence what I wanted to dream about by focusing on a subject before going to sleep. I quickly found I could also use this same process to solve problems and achieve goals. Big achievers do this on a daily basis.
Another thing super successful people do in their daily routine is to take steps toward turning their dreams into goals. They have a burning desire, a definiteness of purpose. They’ve learned anything is possible when you believe in yourself enough to move forward with positive anticipation.
Share your dreams with other visionaries. Plan dream time for yourself every week and get started on creating a plan to turn your dreams into reality right now.
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Isn’t it time for you to take the necessary steps to catapult your dreams into reality?
The first step is to create the foundational document for your life, your Personal Manifesto. If you haven’t completed this document yet, click here to get your free copy of the special report which walks you through the process and gives you a template to use for creating your own personal manifesto.
Then you can move naturally to the next step of creating and achieving the goals you’ve set in the recognition of what you choose to manifest as your divine soul purpose. Click here for help with your goals. It’s all part of allowing your ageless mind to successfully manifest the ageless lifestyle you choose to create through living your life’s purpose.
If you need help creating your blueprint, I’m here for you.
If you don’t know your desired result today, click here to be put on the waitlist to be notified of the next start date of my 6-week class, “How to Create a Vision for Your Life”.
For now, it’s enough to declare that you want something better. In the class, we will go through this personal inventory in detail and I will help you get clear on exactly what you want your life to look like.
Look at what’s going on in your life and if the way you are living and the things you have attracted into your life are still working for you.
If you are growing, you’re constantly changing and you need to stay on top of your progress by having a step-by-step process for tracking where you are in your life and where you are going. Once you know where you want to go, the people and resources you need will appear according to the level of commitment you have to make it manifest.
Until next time, I’d love to hear your thoughts. Just comment below.
If you would like personal mentoring, send me an email using the form on the contact tab above detailing what you would like help with. As your mentor, I hold a bigger vision for you than you hold for yourself. When you have faith and a team that believes in you, it gives you courage. When you don’t have to do it all yourself, all things are possible for you. Commit today to go for your dream 100%.
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