Travel the World with Your Laptop Lifestyle Business

Travel the World with Your Laptop Lifestyle Business

Travel not only expands your horizons, it’s fun and adventurous to travel the world with your laptop lifestyle business.

Today you could almost call it a smart phone lifestyle business since I seldom need to use my laptop if I don’t want to. Most business tasks for an information marketer can be done on your tablet or phone.

You can do a video like this one on Facebook Live, upload it to Youtube, make the graphic for it, turn it into a blog post, email the new blog article to your subscribers; all from your phone or iPad. You can do consulting or coaching call, even hold group sessions from your phone with various apps.

You can do consulting or coaching call, even hold group sessions from your phone with various apps.

So you are no longer tied to a computer, a desk, and certainly not an office!

I have been taking long periods of time off to travel since I was in my 20’s. Travel is a priority in my life, so that’s how I’ve structured my career, even when I was working in jobs where most people worked regular hours and took only 2 weeks vacation.

When I started my business in 2001 I was new to computers and didn’t get a laptop until 2003. From that moment on I have traveled and worked from all over the world. Every Wednesday my ezine went out for over a decade (remember ezines?).

Fortunately, the rest of my business ran on autopilot so the money was always flowing in while I was off doing other things.

When you’re living your passion you’ll find you frequently want to “work” while you travel.

Friends who were also information marketers used to tell me that my subscribers would understand if I didn’t do an ezine while I was on vacation. What they didn’t understand is that I loved writing those articles that helped my subscribers. I looked forward to doing it every week. It wasn’t’ a chore.

I did my weekly radio show on Wednesday afternoon so all of my weekly commitments were done on the same day. I structured it that way because, with the live events and speaking engagements I did, I frequently was flying on Thursday and Monday, at an event Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, and needed Tuesday for implementing things from the weekend’s event.

Now both of those things can be preloaded for delivery so even having 1 structured day isn’t necessary anymore.

These days’ who even thinks of taking your laptop when you unless it’s for an extended period of time?

So whether you want to spend a month traveling around Italy, or take a road trip through U.S. national parks this summer, you can still run your business as successfully as you would from home.

And then there’s the digital nomad lifestyle, but we’ll leave that for another time.

I’d love to hear how you live your lifestyle business in the comments below or on Facebook.

Travel the World with Your Laptop Lifestyle Business

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