For the last couple weeks, I’ve been thinking about the top 5 habits of women entrepreneurs I learned from the Ageless Life and Business Experts. 22 successful businesswomen, sharing their personal speed bumps and transformations.
Between conducting the interviews, listening to the replays to take notes and then going over the notes to make corrections before turning them into my bonus PDF, I have really immersed myself in the content of these 22 sessions.
And I’ve learned a lot I’m already applying to my own life and business.
Before I take my little furbabies, Bodhi and Yuki, to the vet I wanted to fill you in on what I learned from the summit.
Your Ageless Life and Business Telesummit
Since I came up with the idea for Your Ageless Life and Business Telesummit on November 30th until just a few days ago, I have lived and breathed making this the most impactful summit on having an ageless life and business.
Every single woman’s speed bump and transformation was completely unique.
And yet the more I thought about it, I realized there were patterns. For example, I noticed a correlation between the people who got back to me fastest and the people who told me they were early risers. Hmm…
I noticed certain phrases and parts of the conversation that were the same for many of the experts sharing their stories. And I’ll go deeper into the pieces of our conversation that came up with several different people in upcoming posts.
Yesterday I sat down and went through my notes.
They were a bonus for people who got the All-Access Pass. I looked for the 5 most common habits successful women entrepreneurs have when it comes to leading an ageless lifestyle and having an ageless business.
What are the top 5 habits of women entrepreneurs?
#1 Spiritual Practice
Having a spiritual practice is the most grounding thing you can do to set the foundation for your day. Whether it’s prayer, meditation, spiritual or personal growth reading, it all works.
This is not just the #1 habit of these successful women entrepreneurs, it’s also the #1 habit of all the multi-millionaires I know and billionaires I’ve studied. So I’d say there’s something to this and you should give it a try.
It’s been a habit of mine for more than 20 years.
#2 Self Care
This is probably the thing most women let go first. When you don’t have time, what goes out the window?
Taking care of yourself and creating your own personal version of work/life balance is crucial to your sanity and your ability to have sustained energy day after day.
#3 Up Before 7 AM
I mentioned earlier that I noticed the people who get up early were also the people who were the most responsive with the information I needed to put on the summit. You can draw your own conclusions.
What I will tell you is these early risers get up between 5 and 7 AM. So do most of the wealthiest people, who could lay in bed if they wanted to.
Personally, I’m in the early to bed, early to rise category. I wake up around 5:00 and get up with the first light. I wait to get up so it’s light when I take the dogs out.
#4 Daily Exercise
I’ll be the first to admit that exercise is not my friend. In fact, I wish that watching people walk up the mountain path in front of my house counted as exercise for me. Sadly, it doesn’t.
So, going to the gym and lifting weights, doing a class, swimming, walking, paddleboarding, doing yoga or a dance class, hiking, spending time being active in nature, all count.
#5 Money Management
They pay close attention to their money and have systems in place to manage it. I think that speaks for itself.
Bonus Habit: Scheduling Your Day
Successful people live by a schedule or at least make a list of top priorities for the day.
I am a huge proponent of keeping a calendar. What you don’t measure can’t be improved! One of the first things I have my clients do is calendar everything they do, by the half hour, for a week.
Every single one of them is shocked by the reality of how they really spend their time.
Feel free to share the full-size infographic at the end of this post.
It’s not too late to Get Lifetime Access to the entire event and exclusive bonuses so you don’t miss anything.
Click here to get your Ageless Life and Business TeleSummit All-Access Pass now… and lifetime access to over 20 experts’ sessions — yours to download or listen online. You don’t want to miss this opportunity.
What to Do Next?
The first step is to create the foundational document for your life, your Personal Manifesto. If you haven’t completed this document yet, click here to get your free copy of the special report which walks you through the process and gives you a template to use for creating your own personal manifesto.
Do you need help creating your life blueprint? I’m here for you.
Until next time, I’d love to hear your thoughts. Just comment on this post here or on Facebook.
If you would like private mentoring, go to the contact page above and tell me what you would like help with. As your mentor, whether for your health, your lifestyle or your business, I hold a bigger vision for you than you hold for yourself. When you have faith and a team that believes in you, it gives you courage. When you don’t have to do it all yourself, all things are possible for you. Commit today to go for your dream 100%.
With over 40 years in sales and marketing, along with 45 years studying human behavior, Lynn Pierce, “The Voice of Women Empowered to Create an Ageless Body, Mind & Soul After 50” mentors soul-based entrepreneurs to reach your own personal version of success and an ageless lifestyle. Tell Lynn what the life of your dreams looks like, and she’ll create the blueprints to get you there, along with the sales system to fund it. Author of, “Breakthrough to Success; 19 Keys to Mastering Every Area of Your Life”, Lynn Pierce’s personal growth and business acceleration systems help her clients get three times the results in half the time with one-tenth of the effort. Claim your free special report, “What Do You Stand For” here
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