Tag Archives | meditation

10 Steps to Eliminate Stress

10 Steps to Eliminate Stress

Stress is so common of a complaint in our society that we actually have grown to accept that life is stressful. It doesn’t have to be that way if you follow these 10 steps to eliminate stress. It’s pretty hard to be living an ageless lifestyle if you’re stressed. The skills we need to eliminate stress […]

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Healing Your Autoimmune Disease Naturally

Healing Your Autoimmune Disease Naturally

Is it possible that you can not only alleviate your symptoms, but heal your #autoimmune disease  all together? The answer for many is yes! It’s no surprise that as we become more stressed and the quality of our food and water gets worse, autoimmune disease is on the rise. But there are natural solutions available to […]

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Mindfulness Exercises Reduce Doctor Visits

How Mindfulness Exercises Reduce Doctor Visits

Would you like to know how yoga and meditation keep you out of the hospital? According to experts, mindfulness exercises reduce doctor visits by helping you to eliminate stress from your body. Yoga and meditation are two mindfulness practices that can be done by any beginner with just a few minutes to spare. I have practiced both […]

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The Art of True Relaxation

The Art of True Relaxation

Relaxation means something different to everyone. One thing it means to me is clearing a space to experience my ageless spirit. It’s all about the art of true relaxation. There are countless ways you can accomplish this. The thing to remember is that your body and your mind both need time to relax. What Is […]

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Life Lessons of Deepak Chopra

Life Lessons of Deepak Chopra

Deepak Chopra is a great teacher of the mind, body, spirit connection. He has such a great way of making large concepts easy to understand. These life lessons of Deepak Chopra are profound in their simplicity and truth. Incorporate these life lessons into your ageless lifestyle after 50. Life Lessons of Deepak Chopra Faith makes all things […]

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Meditate Your Way to Wealth

How to Meditate Your Way to Wealth and Success

Down through the ages, great thinkers, inventors, artists, statesman and philosophers have credited their spiritual connections for their successes. If this seems like a strange place to begin, you may be wondering what meditation has to do with building wealth and success. For some people it’s a big jump from talking about their ageless spirit to […]

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