May is my breast cancer month. I was only 43. One thing I can tell you is that it’s hard to have an ageless lifestyle if you haven’t dealt with the biggest contributing factors to protect yourself from cancer, to whatever degree you can. What we know now is that it is possible to deeply […]
Tag Archives | breast cancer cure
The Day Breast Cancer Changed My Life: Part 2-The Cure
The Day Breast Cancer Changed My Life
What If We Called It Breast Cancer Prevention Month?
One of the big reasons I founded Ageless Lifestyle After 50 in 2014 was to help you have better health longer in life (an ageless body), allowing you to experience the lifestyle available to you for many decades to come. Too many women are taken, or have their lives sidetracked, by the diagnosis of breast […]
How Pineapple Can Kill Cancer Cells
Cancer is a part of our lives. It didn’t use to be. As boomers, when we were kids you rarely heard of someone getting cancer. To have an ageless body and create an ageless lifestyle after 50 for yourself, you must do everything you can to improve your health to prevent getting cancer. If you […]
Success Beating Brain Cancer With Cannabis Oil
There are so many people reporting success at beating a late stage terminal cancer diagnosis from their doctor with cannabis oil that I had to share this with you. Feel free to add your story in the comments. Having an ageless body is a requirement to having an ageless lifestyle after 50 and the majority […]