Tag Archives | Ageless lifestyle after 50

Embracing Stillness In Your Life

Embracing Stillness In Your Life

When you’re creating a happy, healthy, ageless lifestyle there are still issues of work/life balance that occupy your ageless mind. Embracing stillness in your life is important because silence and stillness are a way of giving yourself a chance to hear what your higher self is trying to tell you. On Sunday I watched Super […]

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Why I Do Not Support Mainstream Cancer Charities

Why I Do Not Support Mainstream Cancer Charities

I have written about not being a fan of the pink ribbon campaign, and all the companies that profit from it, before. This is the first time I’ve posted to shed light of why I do not support mainstream cancer charities. After this, you may not want to support them either. Chris Wark at ChrisBeatCancer.com explains why […]

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5 Simple Keys to Reducing Muscle Inflammation

5 Simple Keys to Reducing Inflammation

[wc_box color=”primary” text_align=”left” margin_top=”” margin_bottom=”” class=””] Inflammation is one of the biggest causes of disease in your body. Discover what inflammation is, how it’s caused and how to reduce it with 5 simple keys to reducing inflammation that you can do starting today. You don’t have to accept inflammation as part of your life or continue […]

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Is Mindfulness the New Meditation?

Is Mindfulness the New Meditation?

Is mindfulness the new meditation? According to Andy Puddicombe it only takes 10 minutes. There is so much talk about mindfulness lately, it seems to be catching on in the mainstream in a way that meditation doesn’t. I’m wondering if it’s the lack of connection to spirituality that makes it more acceptable. Or, is it […]

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