Life on your terms

Are You Living Life on Your Terms?

Do you really love the life you’re living right now?

Do you love it so much that if later today you suddenly found out that you have more money than you and everyone you care about could spend in 3 lifetimes, would you still be living the way you are right now?

I’m assuming when you answered that question there was at least something minor you’d change even if you’re pretty much already living the life of your dreams. What are those things and what would it really take to shift those right now? If you believe it’s not possible, why not?

I’ll bet you anything that with some strategic coaching, you’d shift that belief in no time. I know this because I’ve seen so many of my clients do just that.

So what if you have some major parts of your life that are not what you would choose?

Major things can be easier to shift, so that should be good news for you. The little things that appear to be non-negotiable right now are usually the places you are blocked.

If you’ve ever taken one of my classes or seen me speak you’re probably familiar with the simple 5 point personal inventory my clients do on a quarterly basis, some more often, depending on how quickly their life is unfolding.

Your Personal Inventory:

Why are you in the relationships you’re in?
Why do you do the work you do?
Why do you work at the particular place/company you work?
Why do you spend your free time the way you do?
Why do you live where you live?

I could do a two hour class just on what comes out of answering those 5 questions!

But there are two main things to keep in mind:

#1 The answer is not, “I don’t know, that’s just the way it is.”
#2 Now that you’ve looked at those 5 areas of your life you have a choice.

People often ask me how I live a life that is so different than the majority of people? For example, how I pick up and move to another city or state or country just because I feel like it. Well, I planned it that way. I started consciously creating my life right out of school.

The way I live has nothing to do with how much money I have. It is strictly a choice.

In the 30+ years I’ve been designing my life I have been married and I’ve been single. I’ve moved to more places than I can count, most of them top vacation spots that other people only spend a week or two in. And I’ve made lots of money and I’ve also been broke-more than once.

The common thread is that a long time ago, as a teenager, I made a choice to live my life on my terms. I decided what that looked like for me and I’ve never waivered on that being my top priority. It really is that simple.

Besides doing the personal inventory, it’s time for you to create your own personal manifesto. This is the foundational document for creating your ageless lifestyle after 50. Get your copy of the free report to walk you through creating your manifesto here. Create yours today. That will give you a huge amount of clarity if you take it seriously and really create your statements from a thoughtful place.

Another choice to live life on my own terms, I keep my schedule very flexible because I like fluidity in my life. I have a spiritual practice/morning ritual that takes up the first couple hours of my day. As I increased the things I do during that time I told myself I wanted to wake up earlier to do it and I have. I haven’t used an alarm in about 20 years.

Your life is all a choice, but what’s different about these choices and the reason they work to make amazing shifts in your life with little or no effort on your part is how they are made. You are designing your life knowing your priorities and the ‘why’ behind every single choice in a way that you have most likely never thought about before.

So start with those two actions steps, the personal inventory and the personal manifesto and let me know what happens for you.

 Life on your terms

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