When you’re open to adventure, you’ve opened the door for opportunities from unexpected places. It also means you’re excited and ready for anything.
Ask yourself, “Would my life be better with a little more excitement and adrenaline flowing through my body because I’m anticipating great things happening at any moment?”
Be open to everything and attached to nothing.
Live your life by your own rules.
Have fun every day.
Have outrageous, creative friends.
Live every day like it’s your last.
These aren’t clichés…This is your life.
It takes breaking out of old patterns to create an ageless lifestyle after 50 and one way to start down the path is to learn how to make your life an adventure.
How I Said Yes to Making My Life an Adventure
After filing for divorce 28 years ago, I told myself I was going to be bold and say yes to opportunities and try new things. I think that’s a common thing to do after a divorce, right?
This led me to sell many of what I thought of as “prized possessions” and move from my home in Palm Springs to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico with my boyfriend of a few months.
That definitely was a new adventure and quite outside my comfort zone. It was a good thing because I really did need a pretty big jolt to get me out of my old patterns.
Letting go of my possessions, I moved from a posh resort area to a little town that had one paved road with cows and other farm animals walking in the street. Totally changing my lifestyle was a great adventure.
It wasn’t easy or fun all the time, but it was the best thing I ever did. And to this day, many of my most cherished memories are from those early years in Cabo.
My life from that point on has been one adventure after another.
We ended up getting married and living in Mexico for most of the 90’s. I became an author, a speaker and a mentor to entrepreneurs. I believe I was open to a completely new life path because I made the commitment to make my life an adventure.
How to Make Your Life an Adventure
My advice to you is to be conscious of how you spend every minute.
Don’t waste your time with meaningless or menial activities.
It may mean giving up a certain amount of control and perfectionism so you can go with the flow.
Say yes to new opportunities.
Learn to delegate.
If you don’t like doing something or don’t do it well, see if there is a way you can hire someone part time to do it. There are high school and college students who work without pay for school credit. Contact a school near you to see what kind of programs they have.
If you do a lot of things that could be done for minimum wage, hire someone. You’ll earn much more than their salary with the time you’ve freed up. First on my list were a maid (back when I started making money in my 20’s), a bookkeeper and a personal assistant.
Action Step
Do Something You’ve Never Done Before
See things differently by releasing the rules you’ve set for how you live your life.
By doing this you’re allowing your brain to function in new ways.
Using “my life is an adventure” as an affirmation allows you to handle life’s ups and downs in an easygoing, more impersonal way.
Spending time with kids is a great way to add adventure to your life.
Have you ever seen a 10-year old that couldn’t find adventure in about 5 minutes?
Hang out with kids for a day, doing whatever they want. Go crazy. If you don’t have kids, I’m sure you know someone who would be happy to lend you theirs for a day. They may even be willing to pay you!
Until next time, I’d love to hear your thoughts. Just comment on this post here or on Facebook.
If you would like private mentoring, go to the contact page above and tell me what you would like help with. As your mentor, whether for your health, your lifestyle or your business, I hold a bigger vision for you than you hold for yourself. When you have faith and a team that believes in you, it gives you courage. When you don’t have to do it all yourself, all things are possible for you. Commit today to go for your dream 100%.
With over 40 years in sales and marketing, along with 45 years studying human behavior, Lynn Pierce, “The Voice of an Ageless Life and Business,” mentors soul-based entrepreneurs to reach your own personal version of success and an ageless lifestyle. Tell Lynn what the life of your dreams looks like, and she’ll create the blueprints to get you there, along with the sales system to fund it. Author of, “Breakthrough to Success; 19 Keys to Mastering Every Area of Your Life”, Lynn Pierce’s personal growth and business acceleration systems help her clients get three times the results in half the time with one-tenth of the effort. Claim your free special report, “What Do You Stand For” here
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