Your Happiness and Personal Growth

Your Happiness and Personal Growth in Your Ageless Life and Business

On our Facebook Live Saturday, the topic was your happiness and personal growth in your ageless life and business. We started out talking about happiness and finished by talking about a special series of classic personal growth books.

Watch the video and read the article below.

Happiness and personal growth go hand in hand. If you stay in the same place and don’t seek out growth opportunities, I don’t know how happy you will be. Growth is life, and the opposite is stagnation, which leads to death.

Let’s talk about your happiness. It’s not about having a fun weekend. That’s just superficial.

[Tweet “Real happiness is building a life of joy and peace and passion.”]

It’s living in the present moment. Doing the work that fulfills you and makes your soul sing.

In fact, that’s pretty much the definition of having an ageless life and business.

Past, Future and the Present Moment

Most people base their decisions on the past and are waiting for happiness when something happens in the future. They’re either waiting for something to start and then you’ll be happy. Or they’re waiting for something to end and then you’ll be happy.

In reality, happiness can only happen in this moment. It’s an inside job.

When you’re present you are aware of your thoughts and feelings and can create positive thoughts and turn negative feelings into something positive.

That create a calm centeredness. When you feel aligned within yourself you are aware of the joy in present moments.

When you live your passion and purpose and have an energy infused with your commitment and conviction.

Living your life this way, in alignment with your soul purpose fill you with joy and happiness.

How do you get there?

Well, it starts with your personal manifesto where you create the statements that convey your personal values, what’s important and who you want to grow to become.

Then you take those statements and elaborate on them as you go through the process of setting and achieving your goals.

After that, it’s time to create a vision for your life that allows you to take those values and goals and turn them into the ageless life and business you want to create for yourself.

There is also a series of classic personal growth books that Have been reading since 1978. I go through the classics at the beginning of each year.

One thing I didn’t mention in the video is that you’ll want to read the books in the order they are on the list. The content in each one builds on the last one. So if you read them out of order you will NOT get much of the depth each book offers.

If you’d like my complete list, let me know and I’ll get it to you.

You can get the Ageless Lifestyle Guide to Goal Setting and Achieving that we talked about in the video by clicking here.

Your Happiness and Personal Growth

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