Growing Your Own Winter Vegetables Indoors

Growing Your Own Winter Vegetables Indoors

Do you like to eat local grown vegetables year round? Then growing your own winter vegetables indoors might be the solution for you. Having access to fresh organic food is a big part of keeping your ageless body healthy as part of your ageless lifestyle after 50.

Depending on where you live when winter rolls around, you can forget about getting local fresh vegetables in your diet. You can purchase vegetables which are shipped from across the country, but there’s nothing quite like having that fresh from the garden taste in the dead of winter. Some foodies, and those interested in knowing where your food comes from, may be able to extend the taste of summer by growing your own winter vegetables indoors. Are you interested?

Hydroponic Garden

One method of growing indoor winter vegetables is to set up a hydroponics garden. This type of gardening uses specific nutrient compounds to grow vegetables, but does not use soil. It can easily be done indoors, but depending upon the vegetables you’d like to grow it can take up a good amount of space. here’s one that’s approved by NASA. Miracle-Gro AeroGarden 7-Pod Indoor Garden with Gourmet Herb Seed Kit, Black

Hydroponics gardens can be made at home for as cheap as $50-$80 for a small garden, but they can cost considerably more and require regular attention to ensure that everything is working properly. You can find plenty of instructions for hydroponic gardening online. You’ll need a system of grow lights to provide the plants with all of the light they need. TaoTronics® E27 12W Led Grow Light TT-GL20 Red Blue LED Lights for Plants in Garden Greenhouse

Container Garden

You can create large container gardens to enable you to grow fresh vegetables during the winter months. Large pots set near a window which gets between six to eight hours of natural sunlight during the day work best. This enables the plants to get real sunlight rather than having to depend upon a grow light system. If you live in an area which doesn’t get the recommended amount of light, grow lights are a viable alternative.

Grow small plants such as herbs or salad greens in a window sill if the window gets plenty of direct sunlight during the day. Here’s a nice herb growing pot. Nancy Janes P1360 12-inch Stacking Planters with Patented Flow through Watering System and Hanging Chain, Terracotta, Set of 3  These plants can be grown and, as they become mature, snipped off for use in the various dishes you prepare. Look at local home improvement or gardening centers for kits which are designed for use indoors. The end of the season is a great time to shop for them when they will likely be marked down dramatically.

Hanging pots are another option for growing winter vegetables indoors. You’ll want to be sure the pot is hanging securely on a joist so it doesn’t fall from the ceiling. The pot will also have to be hung low enough to get the direct sunlight the plants need.

Which plants are best suited to growing indoors? That really depends upon the time and effort you want to expend. Some people have been able to grow peppers, salad greens, cherry tomatoes and various herbs. You may be able to grow other plants indoors as well, but remember – whatever plants you grow, you will have to pollinate them yourself since there won’t be flies, butterflies and bees to do it for you.

Once you’ve become an old pro at growing winter vegetables indoors you’ll have the knowledge you need to start your seedlings for your spring garden, too. Growing your own vegetables in the colder months isn’t difficult, but it does take quite a bit of patience. Given the time and conditions they need, you could be enjoying the fruits of your labor long before spring arrives.

Here’s a great indoor green house set up that’s really inexpensive! Gardman R687 4-Tier Mini Greenhouse

Growing Your Own Winter Vegetables Indoors

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