Change One Thing, Change Your Life

Here’s the original copy I wrote in my novice marketing language back in 2001! Don’t judge me…

Here’s the link if you want to grab it at a $50 discount off the normal $97 it’s sold for since 2001. You’ll also receive the new upgraded version for free when It’s ready. Get Change One Thing, Change Your Life

Stop Putting Up with an unfulfilling life … want a new relationship, new career, more money…

“Here’s How You Can Quickly and Painlessly Set Yourself Up for Success Instead of Failure

Create Unlimited Abundance and Live the Life of Your Dreams…Without a huge investment of time or money!”

Dear Friend,

Are you getting everything you want out of life? What is unlimited abundance to you? I believe abundance is personal success and the ability to achieve greatness in all areas of your life.

Would you like to create unlimited abundance and live the life of your dreams without a huge investment of time or money?

Are you ready to overcome the fears and anxiety that are blocking you from living the life of your dreams? Give yourself the 5 minutes it will take you to read this letter.

Are you like me? Have you been led to believe it’s a long, difficult process to create major changes in how you look at yourself and how you live your life. It may be difficult through traditional therapy, but now there is a quick and easy, painless way to create the life of your dreams in a very short period of time. In fact, you may find you receive almost instant results in some areas.

For years I appeared to be living an abundant life, but it was all show.I put on a good front, pretending to be happy when my life was falling apart. My self-esteem was zero and I spent all my time trying to make sure nobody found out I wasn’t the person they thought I was.

Do you feel like a fraud, working hard to keep up the act?

I felt like such a failure and a phony! And worst of all, I felt all alone, that I couldn’t tell anyone. I didn’t think anybody else was having the feelings I was.

All it took to create a massive increase of abundance in my life was changing one thing. It literally changed my life.

The good news is it’s really easy to do, once you know what to do. I want to share my story with you because it could be your story too. Now I really have a great life from the inside out, with loving relationships, living in a beautiful home and doing work I love so much, I would do it for free.

If you died tomorrow, what would your life purpose have been? Is what you’ve been doing up until today what you’re really here for or are you still looking for your purpose.

Are you worth 10 minutes a day to create the life of your dreams, full of passion and personal fulfillment?

Imagine… being totally excited to open your eyes each morning because you are living the life of your dreams.

Sounds too good to be true? Let me tell you part of my story.

I know exactly how you feel; I felt the same way until I found the keys to unlimited success. By changing just one simple thing, my life was totally changed. We don’t even need to talk about my childhood. That was way too messed up for me to even know where to start.

Let’s just look at one slice of my life. At 25 I was a very successful real estate professional with my own home, a new car, a great life with lots of friends and plenty of money. What I didn’t have was self-esteem. I thought I had the world by the tail.

I got involved in what turned out to be a nightmare of a 10-year abusive marriage. I left that marriage with my clothes, a used car and no money in the bank. What I did have was lots of debt, no network of friends, a new job and a tremendous amount of determination.

Are you living the life you’ve chosen or the life someone else decided you should live?

I’d been living on the pure adrenaline of the fight or flight response in my marriage for so long it seemed natural. I thought I could create the life I wanted by sheer determination.

I channeled all that into a new kind of self-preservation energy and pulled myself out of the gutter of despair and disillusionment. But not before I had to declare bankruptcy. I told myself I was strong and independent. But, my self-esteem was still in the tank. I was putting up such a good front, I even fooled myself.

Do you ever relax and take off the mask you wear for the world? Are you even aware of the masks you wear?

The facade I put up at work of a happy successful salesperson was done so well nobody even knew I was going through anything. The toll it took was that I only had the energy for work and then I would go home and drop. I was mentally and physically exhausted. I had no life.

You are where you are and who you are today because of the choices you’ve made up until this moment, based on the knowledge you’ve had. When you know better, you do better. Stop beating yourself up and make a new choice.

Within 7 months of leaving that abusive situation with nothing, I was one of the top salespeople at my company, earning a six-figure income, driving a new car, in a great relationship with the man became my new husband.

What helped me survive and prosper in such a short time is what I’m going to share with you in “Change One Thing, Change Your Life.

My journey was made possible by the foundation I had laid with the books I read, the tapes I listened to in the almost 20 years before that. I’ve consolidated all I’ve learned through what’s now 30 years of studying human behavior, specifically, what makes people who they are and what makes them change; into 40 days of simple lessons that will change your life forever.

My faith in myself, the power of my mind and my belief in a higher being has totally changed my life. I spent all those years in a bad situation waiting for some light bulb to go off with the lesson I was there to learn and then I would be magically released.

Survival may have dictated your choices in the past. Now you are entitled to create a life on purpose, full of passion.

What I didn’t realize was that if I stopped being a victim and waiting for someone else to do something, I would be free. I was in a prison of my own making. If I had just looked around, I would have seen there were no bars holding me in except the ones I was holding on to.

Discover what fears control your life and you have the ammunition to overcome them.

When I saw the door was open, it was all over. I quickly took my life back and instantly felt the peace I had been looking for. Everything became clear. I now knew what it would take to turn my life around.

Now I’m sharing my system of transformation with you so you won’t have to struggle for years to figure it out. I distilled it down to simple English. No gobbledy gook. Let me show you the way to have everything you want from your life. It’s not difficult. You only have to take the first step.

So, is it really that easy?

Well, it is if you have the right step-by-step process.

I can’t begin to tell you how rapidly my life has changed since then. My life is now exceeding my wildest expectations and I’m realizing every dream I’ve ever had for my life, and more! It works because I have a system.

Are you living a life with lots of money, yet still feel emptiness deep inside? Wondering if that’s all there is?

Think about it. Abundance is the most powerful state you could ever live your life in. When your focus is on abundance you not only have a greater appreciation for what you have, but it opens the door for you to receive success in an unlimited supply in all areas of your life.

Simply put, the more abundance you allow yourself to have, the more your mind acknowledges your right to receive more. That circle goes on and on, and you’ve created a never-ending circle of unlimited abundance.

But Creating The Belief that You Deserve Abundance Is The Hard Part…

It could take years of therapy and cost you a small fortune to figure out just the right combination of things that makes some people happy and rich, allowing them to have great relationships and a career they are passionate about – while others fall flat on their face, sabotaging their success.

But instead of knocking yourself out trying to come up with a magic potion, you can find it all inside a new practical guide to living an abundant life called:

“Change One Thing, Change Your Life”

At last! Everything you need to create a life filled with passion and overflowing abundance is here. It’s a system that fully aligns your desires, beliefs, and sense of deserving (self-acceptance). Creating integrity between your heart, mind, and soul is absolutely necessary for achieving high levels of abundance and success.

But don’t take my word for it, here’s what people from all over the country are saying about this unique life-affirming system:

In just my first 3 days of working with this system, I’ve gone from struggling in my work to being the top booking agent in my company 3 days in a row!

Marcia C., booking agent

I’ve generated thousands of dollars in income just 10 days into the program with many new clients committing to long-term contracts.

Danielle M., business coach

The most profound thing is how my marriage has changed. I am calmer, more accepting; but I swear the biggest change is my husband. He is being nicer, more loving and considerate. I love it, and he’s never even looked at the program. He told me he feels closer to me now.

Lynn C., marketing representative

Feel comfortable expressing your brilliance. Conquer your self-sabotaging inner voice and listen to your true voice.

I know you’re probably still skeptical and a bit on the conservative side, but think about this – if you keep doing the same things over and over again – you’ll only succeed in getting the same results. That’s why I want to let you try my proven system – completely and totally risk-free! (I’ll tell you about my unique guarantee in a moment.)

Every decision you make either takes you closer to your true self or farther away. Every choice in every moment charts the course of your life.

Which Of These Powerful Secrets
Could You Use To Live Your Life to the Fullest?

  • You’ll learn how to use your inner dialogue to create success
  • You’ll discover your true purpose in life
  • You’ll learn how to stop being a victim and take control
  • You’ll discover an easy process for releasing your past
  • You’ll see how you got where you are and how to move forward
  • You’ll find the key component to creating the life of your dreams
  • You’ll know the facts about hidden fears, how to overcome them
  • You’ll create the belief you deserve financial abundance
  • You’ll discover who or what is running your life
  • You’ll learn how to step fully into your power, plus much more

So what exactly is this program?

Change One Thing, Change Your Life is a 40-day program of affirmations, real life situations and journal questions that change your life – starting on Day 1, totally transforming how you see yourself by Day 40. It’s an easy to understand approach to a subject normally delivered in complicated spiritual jargon. This is the culmination of almost 30 years of personal research. Change One Thing, Change Your Life” contains the practical answers to your spiritual questions.

Okay, So What’s The Cost For This Incredible Resource?

Well, realize that this success system could easily sell for hundreds of dollars as a home study program. In fact, if you asked many top experts to provide you with a quick and painless life changing system, your only choice would be to attend seminars for which you would commit a huge amount of time and money, being charged in the neighborhood of $3,000 to$10,000. And without getting materials such as this system to take home.

I currently charge a minimum of $750.00 an hour for personal coaching. So at bare bones minimum, you’re getting thousands and thousands of dollars worth of my personal insights and formulas for personal greatness at your disposal.

But I’m not going to charge you anywhere near that amount or even my minimum coaching rate. In fact, your cost for this amazing 40-day program for creating unlimited abundance and the life of your dreams, which will shortly be priced at $247 is just $97 during this special offer.

So what’s the catch? Why am I practically giving this system away?

Here’s the deal: If you are one of the first 200 who order “Change One Thing, Change Your Life, for a limited time I’m lowering the price to only $97 to make it even easier for you to start living the life of your dreams today.

There are actually 2 other reasons for this offer. First the business reason. This incredible life changing product was created because I can’t work with everyone I would like to one on one. So, I’m offering it for this low special offer because I want you to become a part of the Change One Thing family. I’m certain that after you experience the value of this product you will not only want to see what else we offer, but also tell your friends.

What do I get out of this? Simple. I need “testimonials” for my forthcoming worldwide roll-out of “Change One Thing, Change Your Life”. Since I’m about to launch this program worldwide, I would love your success story.

The personal reason for such a low price is because I want to reach as many people as possible with price not being a barrier. I am saddened by the low level of self-esteem in not only women, but our small children and teenagers. This low price allows any parent or child who would like to create a better life to use this system as a vehicle to achieving unlimited abundance.

Not knowing what you are meant to do in life is taking its toll on your health and well-being.

Now you can benefit from all the years of research I’ve done and the thousands and thousands of dollars I’ve invested in personal development and professional development mentoring and seminars in the last few years. I’ve done the work so you can enjoy quick rewards of this incredible program.

100% Risk-Free Guarantee:

Your success in using “Change One Thing, Change Your Life” is completely guaranteed. In fact, here’s my 100% Better-Than-Risk-Free-Take-it-To-The-Bank Guarantee:

I personally guarantee that if you do not see a difference in the quality of your life and your level of abundance after working with this system for 60 days I will give you a choice of a refund or give you a free 30 minute telephone consultation. This consultation is valued at $375.00

That means you can try out the complete program at my risk, while you see if it works for you. And if you don’t see a change, I honestly want you to ask for your free consultation.

What is your inner voice saying to you? Are you ready to set yourself up for success instead of failure?

There is absolutely no risk, whatsoever on your part. The burden to deliver is entirely on me. If you don’t create results using this product, then it’s my loss, not yours.

Are you judging yourself by an outdated definition of who you are?

Look at it this way — $97 is really a painless drop in the bucket compared to the money you could waste on ineffective attempts to affect change in your life this year. That’s why…

You Really Can’t Afford Not To Invest In
Change One Thing, Change Your Life!

To live your life with purpose you need to be clear about who you really are, what your gifts and talents are and how to use them.

It’s easy to get started right away.

Click Below To Change Your Life Now! 

Get Change One Thing, Change Your Life Now! Get ready to

Get ready to create overflowing abundance in your life now.

To your success,

Lynn Pierce

P.S. Just think! You’ll never again suffer the pain and frustration of wondering why your life isn’t the way you had pictured it because you’ll be living the life of your dreams.

P.P.S. It’s time to find out what’s really important to you and what you really, really want from your life.

P.P.P.S. So get started now to attract the mate, the new career or the money that you want. This is the program to show you how to have it all. Every choice you make changes your life for the better or not. Which choice will you make today?

Click Here To Get Your Copy Now!

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