Archive | Ageless Spirit

The Art of True Relaxation

The Art of True Relaxation

Relaxation means something different to everyone. One thing it means to me is clearing a space to experience my ageless spirit. It’s all about the art of true relaxation. There are countless ways you can accomplish this. The thing to remember is that your body and your mind both need time to relax. What Is […]

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How Movies Influence Your Spirit

How Movies Influence Your Spirit

Have you ever thought about how movies influence your spirit? Influences that impact your spirit don’t just come from spiritual texts or personal growth books. You can be profoundly changed by a movie. And sometimes you aren’t even aware of the influence the movie has on your spirit, you just enjoy watching it. Maybe it […]

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17 Things Open Minded People Do Differently

17 Things Open Minded People Do Differently

Creating an ageless lifestyle after 50 is not something closed-minded, rigid people would be interested in. I’m sure we all like to look at ourselves as being open minded. These 17 things that open minded people do differently will tell you for sure. Let’s see. Enchanted, unpredictable, imaginative, intuitive, curious, emotionally strong people … Some people will say that this […]

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The Spirituality of Going Meatless

The Spirituality of Going Meatless

“The spiritual connection between animals and humans grows out of understanding that we are all expressions of eternal benevolent consciousness, and as we acknowledge this interconnection and live in harmony with it, our lives become prayers of compassion and healing.” – The World Peace Diet For me, I learned the health benefits of not eating […]

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