Before I break down how 1 simple cool shift can change your life, let me tell you a story to illustrate the point.
Yesterday I went to the beach with a girlfriend and on the way, she told me the story of how she had locked herself out of the condo she was staying in the first night there.
It was 9:30 at night and she didn’t think she’d be able to fall asleep so she decided to walk over to the little store in the complex and grab a beer to make her sleepy.
As soon as she shut the door she realized all she grabbed were car keys, not the condo key!
She went to the condo of the people she had rented from and they weren’t home.
She went to the security office thinking she could borrow a ladder and go in through the patio of her second story condo.
They didn’t think helping her break in was a good idea.
Just when she thought she might have to sleep in her car, she sees a familiar face coming through the gate. It’s a Realtor she had met who had shown the condo she was staying in last time she was there.
She flagged her down and asked if by any chance she still had a key to that condo.
Come to find out, she actually did. She had found she still had it the week before, wondered why she still had it and put it in her purse to give back to the person she got it from next time she saw him.
She had seen him that morning and completely forgot to give him the key.
She told my friend that now she knew why she still had the key!
Ok, so this could just be a nice coincidence or it could be something else.
My friend didn’t look at this as anything more than that maybe someone was looking out for her.
The Realtor thought of it as a hunch or intuition.
Neither one thought of it as a small example or sign to remind them they were unconsciously creating their lives.
Changing Your Perception of Seemingly Ordinary Events
The thing is, you have situations like this in your life all the time and you probably ignore the bigger picture. You shrug your shoulders and chalk it up to coincidence.
Have you ever considered that in this particular situation your desired result was clear enough that you were able to manifest the solution?
Manifesting isn’t just about big things in your life.
You are manifesting your life all the time with the positive or negative thoughts you focus on most.
When you really want something to happen and you don’t have any conflicting thoughts fighting against it, you can create the desired outcome quickly.
Too often when it comes to big goals you have unconscious conflicting thoughts that override what you’re telling yourself you want.
That’s where a good goals program can come in to help you uncover those conflicts before they sabotage you achieving your goals.
Once you are aware that you do create those outcomes of small things when you really need to, you can translate it into becoming more aware of your thoughts all day long and consciously creating what you want each day.
Before you know it, you’ve flexed your manifesting muscle to such a degree that you believe it’s possible for you to create anything you want in your life.
1 Simple Cool Shift Can Change Your Life Forever
This Day 27 excerpt below from Change One Thing, Change Your Life flows right into this topic.
Here’s the day’s affirmation for you: Great abundance easily and effortlessly pours into my life today.
One subtle shift in how you see yourself can change who you become for the rest of your life.
It only takes one tiny deviation from the path you were on to create a new life of great opportunity.
All that’s needed is an open mind and an open heart. The more you accept that there are great opportunities available to come into your life, the more they show up.
The more evidence you see of this truth, the deeper your belief becomes, and the easier it is to continue to create opportunities.
It’s an endless circle of your beliefs creating your experiences with your experiences reinforcing your beliefs.
That’s how it becomes so easy for one simple change of one belief to change the quality of your life forever.
Until next time, I’d love to hear your thoughts. Just comment on this post here or on Facebook.
If you would like private mentoring, go to the contact page above and tell me what you would like help with. As your mentor, whether for your health, your lifestyle or your business, I hold a bigger vision for you than you hold for yourself. When you have faith and a team that believes in you, it gives you courage. When you don’t have to do it all yourself, all things are possible for you. Commit today to go for your dream 100%.
With over 40 years in sales and marketing, along with 45 years studying human behavior, Lynn Pierce, “The Voice of an Ageless Life and Business,” mentors soul-based entrepreneurs to reach your own personal version of success and an ageless lifestyle. Tell Lynn what the life of your dreams looks like, and she’ll create the blueprints to get you there, along with the sales system to fund it. Author of, “Breakthrough to Success; 19 Keys to Mastering Every Area of Your Life”, Lynn Pierce’s personal growth and business acceleration systems help her clients get three times the results in half the time with one-tenth of the effort. Claim your free special report, “What Do You Stand For” here
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